Sunday, September 20, 2015

The one where Paige STILL doesn't like fish - Sept 14, 2015

I've made it to week three! Three is the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou NOT count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five... is right out. When the number three, being the third number, be reached, then CELEBRATE BECAUSE YOU'VE SURVIVED THIS FAR WITHOUT GETTING A WEIRD DISEASE FROM THE MOSQUITOES. Speaking of counting and mosquito bites, I have 25+. I checked. I've given up on naming them cause there's too many, but I named the ones on my elbow and the bottom of my feet after their father, Satan.

Anyway, our lessons are still going good :) no one has come to church yet though... next week! We've got 3 IBDs at the moment :) they're awesome. I'm reading Jesus the Christ and Our Search for Happiness, which are really good :) I'm learning sooooo much :3 yas. 

I've named every frog I've seen so far Jason Funderberker. Except for the one at Brother Salvador's house. That one's name is Douglas, named after everyone named Douglas. Also  I got some swaggin new rubber shoes and a hipster nerdy waist-strap proselyting bag which has done miracles in not giving me scoliosis. 
Also. There's a show that's always playing when we go to people's houses called All for Juan and Juan for All or something like that, and it is the most horrifyingly obnoxious show I've ever had the displeasure of coming across ever. Just by the way.

This week in church the lessons were all on family and stuff.One of the things that stuck out to me was when they said to enjoy the time you have with your children. Which made me think of my cute kids whom I miss SO MUCH. They'll be in 5TH GRADE when I get back. WAT. So parents, tell your kids you love 'em, and kids, tell your parents you love 'em :) time is short. (PS parents I love you and stuff)

And, as always, love you all lots!

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