Tuesday, February 9, 2016

The One With The Week - Dec.6, 2015

Still alive :) this week has been weird. I was asked if I'm related to Cliff Burton from Metallica... I was like "Um... I dunno. Probably." Ha :) also the mosquitoes are back and it's #theworst. But I'll live. My hair is growing, which is good, except I have a yucky mullet but the rest of my hair isn't long enough for me to even it out. So pony tails every day for like the next month :) haha! 

The work is still going good. Haha one of the little Tatays in our ward was talking to us the other day and he was saying that I need to marry a man who can provide 3 meals a day AND snacks in between. I'll have to keep that in mind, I guess. :P Haha he's also way old and was saying "I want to die soon, cause I'm too old. I think I want to die soon." and we're like "... yeah, okay, Tay."  and then when we left we said "Take care!" and he said "I just told you I want to die and you're telling me to take care??" He's a funny old man :P

Anyway, miracles really do happen every day :) this whole week we've been walang-investigators, then yesterday Heavenly Father was like "Here, have THREE!" so that's good :) they're cool. I like them.

So I really like coloring books now. The super intense complicated ones, ya know? And I was thinking, it's a lot like the work (or life, really). Sometimes it seems like there's SO MUCH to do, and it's really overwhelming, but if you take it one step at a time, piece by piece, you make something really pretty and you just build on what you have already. Iyan lang :) keep being wonderful, you wonderful people :)

Enjoy these pictures of a sour-thing tree and the things we do when we're bored.

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